




Does anyone know how to decode H.264 video frame in Java environment?

My network camera products support the RTP/RTSP Streaming.

The service standard RTP/RTSP from my network camera is served and it also supports “RTP/RTSP over HTTP”.

RTSP : TCP 554 RTP Start Port: UDP 5000


Take a look at the Java Media Framework (JMF) - http://java.sun.com/javase/technologies/desktop/media/jmf/2.1.1/formats.html

I used it a while back and it was a bit immature, but they may have beefed it up since then.

Steve Wall
JMF is abandoned, dead for years. So it would not be a good idea to rely on it for a long-term project. But if this is a one time thing, I agree JMF is a good solution. Although I believe JMF supports H263 only.
Yuvi Masory
Have a look at FMJ which has tried to pick up JMF. http://fmj-sf.net/
Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen
If JMF is dead, what can be used as its replacement?
+3  A: 

Or use Xuggler. Works with RTP, RTMP, HTTP or other protocols, and can decode and encode H264 and most other codecs. And is actively maintained, free, and open-source (LGPL).
