I am trying to modify a portlet to load data for a table over AJAX because the WS calls take a ridiculous amount of time to complete. The table is basically an overview with one entry per table row and a link in each row to more detailed information on the entry.
Here is how I am currently creating the URLs for each row in the table:
<portlet:renderURL portletMode="VIEW" windowState="maximized" var="showURL">
<portlet:param name="id" value="${entry.ID}"/>
I have created an AJAX servlet to receive the AJAX calls and return JSON which will be added to the table dynamically using jQuery callbacks. The servlet works fine and the rows are added to the table with no real problems. The problem I am having is currently with the links that should be in the table.
My question is how do I mimic the above JSP code in the servlet to generate the correct portlet URLs?!?! I'm a bit new to portlets and their URLs seem to be a serialized mess of gibberish to me.