



I'm looking for a good conference to get an introduction to some java based web frameworks. Nothing needs to get incredibly in depth, just an introduction to a wide range of frameworks or their implementations.

Examples of stuff I'd like to learn more about:

Grails, RESTful web services, GWT, SOFEA, Struts,Spring,

Possibly some 'UI frameworks'/libs like YUI, jQuery, Prototype

Any ideas? Anything up and coming is preferred!


Not specific to Java/Web frameworks, but I wouldn't be surprised if next year's Codemash had things you'd find interesting.

Brian Knoblauch

When looking into conferences it's a good idea to know what your price limits are (include travel/hotel/meals when thinking). Also note, some of things you want to learn really aren't Java specific frameworks, but all can be used in conjunctions with Java. The single best Java conference is Java One , you can talk to the people who actually write the language/technology. I have always gotten a lot out of that conference. However, the conf is in San Francisco, which isn't cheap to stay in. No Fluff Just Stuff is a nice conference which is usually good, and they have locations all over the place.

Thanks for the response. I didn't bother mentioning price limits as that is not my primary concern. Thanks for clarifying that some of these aren't really frameworks. You're correct. I still believe that a framework conference is more of what I'm looking for, but I'd like to learn more of the rest as well.