Levenshtein distance is based on the notion of an "edit script" that transforms one string into another. It's very closely related to the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm used for aligning DNA sequences by inserting gap characters, in which we search for the alignment that maximises a score in O(nm) time using dynamic programming. Exact matches between characters increase the score, while mismatches or inserted gap characters reduce the score. An example alignment of AACTTGCCA
(6 matches, 1 mismatch, 3 gap characters, 3 gap regions)
We can think of the top string being the "starting" sequence that we are transforming into the "final" sequence on the bottom. Each column containing a -
gap character on the bottom is a deletion, each column with a -
on the top is an insertion, and each column with different (non-gap) characters is a substitution. There are 2 deletions, 1 insertion and 1 substitution in the above alignment, so the Levenshtein distance is 4.
Here is another alignment of the same strings, with the same Levenshtein distance:
(6 matches, 1 mismatch, 3 gap characters, 2 gap regions)
But notice that although there are the same number of gaps, there is one less gap region. Because biological processes are more likely to create wide gaps than multiple separate gaps, biologists prefer this alignment -- and so will the users of your program. This is accomplished by also penalising the number of gap regions in the scores that we compute. An O(nm) algorithm to accomplish this for strings of lengths n and m was given by Gotoh in 1982 in a paper called "An improved algorithm for matching biological sequences". Unfortunately, I can't find any links to free full text of the paper -- but there are many useful tutorials that you can find by googling "sequence alignment" and "affine gap penalty".
In general, different choices of match, mismatch, gap and gap region weights will give different alignments, but any negative score for gap regions will prefer the bottom alignment above to the top one.
What does all this have to do with your problem? If you use Gotoh's algorithm on individual characters with a suitable gap penalty (arrived at with a few empirical tests), you should find a significant decrease in the the number of terrible-looking alignments like the example you gave.
Efficiency Considerations
Ideally, you could just do this on characters and ignore lines altogether, since the affine penalty will work to cluster changes into blocks spanning many lines wherever it can. But because of the higher running time, it may be more realistic to do a first pass on lines and then rerun the algorithm on characters, using as input all lines that are not identical. Under this scheme, any shared block of identical lines can be handled by compressing it into a single "character" with inflated matching weight, which helps to ensure no "crossings" appear.