I'm confuse about IAdaptable and related classes. Which class is the adapter, the adaptee, the adaptable type?
I have a context menu for entries of a table/tree viewer. Certain actions in the context menu must not be visible depending on the state of the respective object in the viewer (i.e. attribute value of a row in the table viewer).
I can achieve this with a config like this in plugin.xml:
<objectState name="buildable" value="true"/>
However, this only works if the object class implements org.eclipse.ui.IActionFilter.
My object class can't implement IActionFilter, I don't want to change its interface. Hence, I need to work around that using the IAdaptable mechanism.
Reading the Eclipse documentation left me all puzzled with terms (adapter, the adaptee, adaptable type) and I'm still confused about how to go about my problem.
The object class (referred to by in the above config) must remain untouched.
My approach was the following.
MyFactory is like this:
public class MyFactory implements IAdapterFactory {
private static final Class[] types = {
public Object getAdapter(Object adaptableObject, Class adapterType) {
return new <class_that_implements_IActionFilter>((<object_class_of_viewer_entry>) adaptableObject);
public Class[] getAdapterList() {
return types;
What's wrong about this? Where did I miss something?