



From reading the docs I can tell that allowForceBuild will turn off the force build button for the server.

In my case I have 12 projects.
Once is a weekend cleanup task.

I want to remove the force build on this one project. Is there a way to turn off the button on a project level?




You seem to be looking for Project Level Security

Add this to your configuration:

  <!-- [...] -->
  <security type="defaultProjectSecurity">
      <userPermission name="*" forceBuild="Deny" />
  <!-- [...] -->

If You haven't modified the configuration on the server level, forceBuild should be set to Allow by default and will be overridden in Your project then.

The Chairman
Are there any examples out there fo how to do this?Thanks!C-
Eric Brown - Cal
Though I have no practical experience with CI security introduced in CCNET 1.5, I added a configuration snippet to my answer. Absolutely no guarantee, just how I understand the documentation.
The Chairman

Nearly same reply as The Chairman. In your project config, add the security line :

<project name="xxx">
  <!-- Source control block defined here -->
  <!-- Tasks defined here -->
  <!-- Publishers defined here -->
  <security type="defaultProjectSecurity" forceBuild="Deny">