



Hello everyone,

I need to know which class multidimensional arrays in Java extends exactly?

When we assign

Object[] ref=new int[]{1,2,3};

the compiler complains that the objects are of different types. So it seems that one dimensional arrays extend Object; I know that already.

But when we assign

Object[] ref2=new int[][]{{1,2,3},{4,5,6}};

the compiler will not complain. So it seems that two dimensional arrays extend Object[].

But when I print its superclass name:


I got java.lang.Object.

So can anyone explain what's going on here?

+12  A: 

A multidimensional array in Java is really just an array of arrays (of arrays)* .

Also, arrays are considered subclasses of Object.

So, your int[][] is an Object[] (with component type int[]), and also an Object (because all arrays are objects)

An int[] however is not an Object[] (but it is still an Object).

So it seems that two dimensional arrays extend Object[]

I am not sure if "extend" is the proper word here. Arrays have a special place in the Java type system, and work a little different from other objects. A two dimensional array is definitely an Object[]. But if you are asking about superclasses, the only superclass that any kind of array has is Object. All arrays are also Cloneable and Serializable.

Better phrased than my answer. +1
Michael Myers
@mmyers: +1 for removing your answer in favor of upvoting one you thought was better (or as good and sooner). I wish more of us did that!
T.J. Crowder
If we continue int[][][] is an Object[][], so it is kind a feature in the java language, and there is no Class hierarchy to these arrays.
+3  A: 

Your inheritance tree looks something like this:

  1. ref2 is-a int[][]
  2. ref2 is-a Object[]
  3. ref2 is-a Object

Here's a code fragment that illustrates what I mean:

Object ref2 = new int[][]{{1,2,3}, {4,5,6}};
System.err.println("ref2: " + (ref2 instanceof int[][]) + 
  " " + (ref2 instanceof Object[]));

You should see something like:

ref2: true true
Bob Cross
+1  A: 

Arrays in Java are covariant. This means that TSub[] is a subtype of TSuper[] if TSub is a subtype of TSuper.

You have int[][] which is an array of int[]. Now, as others have pointed out, any array in Java is a subtype of Object, so int[] is a subtype of Object. So, due to array covariance, int[][] is a subtype of Object[] (substitute TSub = int[] and TSuper = Object in the above definition of covariance).

Edit - To make it clear why covariance is important here, consider that doing the same thing with List<T> wouldn't work:

List<Object> ref2 = new List<int[]>()
Ben Lings
-1 your explanation is confusing - `int` does not inherit directly off `Object`
I didn't say it did - int[] (array of int) does.
Ben Lings