



My web application depends on a web.config entry being a certain value (like FEATURE_ACTIVATED=true) so how do I test the function that reads this web.config entry?

I'd like to avoid copying the web.config entries to an app.config in the unit testing project, as it takes extra effort to synchronize the files.

+1  A: 

I also like avoiding these where possible, but sometimes there are not other options (particularly when working with legacy code).

Where you can, create an interface for accessing configuration options - inject it into any place you are accessing configuration.

Then implement a concrete class that delegates that to the built in configuration classes, that's the default implementation to use.

Create a mock implementation of the interface for your testing and inject that when testing.

+1  A: 

I always wrap the configuration logic so that I can replace (mock) the configuration while the system is under test.

In other words, I wrap my configuration like so:

    public interface IConfigurationSettings
        string SmtpHost { get; }

    public class ConfigurationSettings : IConfigurationSettings
        public string SmtpHost
            get { return ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SmtpHost"]; }

    public static class Settings
        private static readonly IConfigurationSettings _configurationSettings;

        static Settings()
            _configurationSettings = IoCHelper.Resolve<IConfigurationSettings>();

        public static string SmtpHost
            get { return _configurationSettings.SmtpHost; }

Then, when the system is under test, I can just mock out my configuration like so:

var settings = new Mock<IConfigurationSettings>();
settings.SetupGet(s => s.SmtpHost).Returns("");
Resolver.Setup(r => r.Resolve<IConfigurationSettings>()).Returns(settings.Object);
Page Brooks
+2  A: 

Pull out the code that reads configuration data, then use dependency injection paired with a mock object, or a mocking framework in your tests.

public interface IConfiguration
  bool IsAwesomeFeatureActivated { get; }

public class Configuration: IConfiguration
  public bool IsAwesomeFeatureActivated
    get { /* get config value */ }

public class AwesomeFeature
  private IConfiguration _configuration;

  public AwesomeFeature(IConfiguration configuration)
    _configuration = configuration;

  public void ExecuteFeature()
    if(! _configuration.IsAwesomeFeatureActivated) return;
    // do awesome feature functionality

public class MockConfiguration: IConfiguration
  private bool _isAwesomeFeatureActivated;
  public void SetIsAwesomeFeatureEnabled(bool value)
    _isAwesomeFeatureActivated = value;

  public bool IsAwesomeFeatureActivated
    get { return _isAwesomeFeatureActivated; }

// with mock object
public void ExecuteFeature_WhenNotActivated_DoNothing()
  var mockConfig = new MockConfiguration();
  var feature = new AwesomeFeature(mockConfig);

// or with Moq framework
public void ExecuteFeature_WithActivated_DoSomething()
  var mock = new Mock<IConfiguration>();
  mock.Setup(c => c.IsAwesomeFeatureActivated).Returns(true);

  var feature = new AwesomeFeature(mock.Object);
