




Hi all,

I am a newbie into android platform. Presently I am trying to code a weather widget. I tried to take the Jeff Sharkey's weather widget as a sample. But it is not working.

Once the widget is seleted, a Configure forecast widget activity appears, which contains 2 radio buttons: My Current Location, Manual Search

When Current Location radio is clicked, A black screen appears and there is no output. If Manual Search button is clicked, then the entire activity goes into Display Only mode.

The emulator stops, once 'Verify on maps' button is clicked, with a message, "The application Forecast Widgets(process org.jsharkey.sky) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again".

I am using eclipse 3.5, Android SDK 1.5, JDK 1.6

Also to mention, everytime I trying debugging the code, I get a error window, with Debug Source Display error, and following details:

"Expecting non-static method jadclipse.JadclipseBufferManager.createBuffer(Lorg/eclipse/jdt/core/IOpenable;)Lorg/eclipse/jdt/core/IBuffer;"

Also, eclipse is not allowing me to watch all the break-points, most of them get skipped and get checked.

Please Help!

I couldnot help but write such a longggg mail, since I am the only one working on android platform in my office :-(.

Also, can I upload any file in my post ? is this allowed in this forum ?
