I'm glancing through parts of the official db4o tutorial, and I'm trying to make a modification to the code they give you for running native queries:
//the original
List<Pilot> pilots = db.query(new Predicate<Pilot>() {
public boolean match(Pilot pilot) {
return pilot.getPoints() == 100;
List<Pilot> pilots = db.query(new Predicate<Pilot>() {
public boolean match(Pilot pilot) {
return pilot.getGames() >= 100;
I've added this to their Pilot class:
//in declarations
private ArrayList<String> games;
//modified constructors
public Pilot() {
public Pilot(String name,int points) {
this.games = new ArrayList<String>();
int numGames = (int) (Math.random() * 1000 + 1);
for(int i=0;i<numGames;i++) {
this.games.add(name=" vs Computer");
//new method
public int getGames() {
return games.size();
I've already populated a database with 500 objects using the second constructor, and all the data in the db looks correct with the OME eclipse addon. I've tested getGames() and it works as expected.
My problem is that when I run the modified query, it returns all the objects in the db and I don't understand why. I've tried changing the query to include a more standard if true, else false structure and changing the query to include requiring a certain amount of points to no avail. Whatever I do, it seems it always evaluates (pilot.getGames() >= 100) to be true.
Can anyone help me as to understand why?