



I wanna sth like Spring framework to use in client side. Actually I am going to abstract ui from data sources that may be added to system while it is up. An XML will be injected to system and ui will be generated automatically. Client side use would be able to search on new data source while objects are created in client side. Thanks

+2  A: 

I didn't quite get your description, but spring can be used everywhere - both on client and server side.

Depending on what you mean under "client-side":

  • Swing / SWT - you are free to use spring there in almost same way it is used on the server. You will just have to handle the initialization of the context.
  • html/javascript - that client-side is a different story. Its content is actually generated on the server, so a framework like JSF / SpringMVC / Struts2 / etc. might easily be configured to make use of spring. It seems there is a javascript DI framework, but I'm not sure you want to go into this.

Reasonable Server Faces is a UI framework modelled on Spring, and some recent work on it allows client-side (ie, JavaScript in browser) rendering, which seems to be what you're after.

It's mostly used in the Sakai project -- an open source university courseware management system.

William Billingsley

It is not clear what you mean with 'client side'. But I guess you are looking for a desktop framework (swing/swt) with spring. For that you could take a look into spring rich client or you could use griffon
