




I asked a question earlier about ESBs written in Erlang or Java, and there didn't seem to be anything in Erlang, and only products in Java.


I guess I find it difficult to understand why a language like Erlang has no such middleware products, especially seeing as it should be ideally suited to the job.

Update: There are in fact "some" middleware products for Erlang:

@aChristian suggested RabbitMq

Also, Erlang does have middleware, in fact it is a standard part of the Erlang distribution. It is called OTP.

+2  A: 

Probably because a lot more people use Java, especially those people who write middleware products. As in "For every Erlang programmer, there are 300 Java programmers".

I'd love to actually know what that ratio is.. I'd put money on it being a whole lot more than 300 to 1
Gareth Davis
Yes, the number of Erlang programmers is miniscule. Maybe this is a good thing though. I still remember when Java was "miniscule" and simple to use
gid: I took the ratio from a statistic about job ads, with ~10K java job ads vs. ~30 erlang ads. Not exactly scientific, but also not completely fictitious.
+7  A: 

ESBs are used by large companies (E is Enterprise in ESB). Large companies tend to prefer the nr1 technology/vendor/consultancy company to reduce risk. See also "No one ever got fired for choosing IBM"

Yes, that's true. too bad Erlang hasn't been adopted by any big players