I'm looking for an editor that can create class diagrams, similar to the typical UML class diagram, but specifically for java (so using java terminology; instead of terms like "generalization, realization etc", we use the java equivalents "interface, abstract class, extends etc"). I've looked into UML several times, but each time I've been turned off by the shear amount of "stuff" that comes with UML. I just want to be able to model my java classes quickly and intuitively, without getting bogged down by all the cruft that comes with UML.
Preferably, it would come with a source reader that can keep the diagram up to date, and with a few nice features like "show only public methods in this class" etc. As well, it would automatically "know" about the classes in the standard java library, and possibly even be able to read classes from jars.
Performance is also a big thing for me, I don't like having to wait 2 seconds for a popup menu to appear, or watch the diagram jerk crazily while resizing an element in the model.
What do you think, am I asking too much?