




I saw people asking about best book for learning spring, and I came across manning.spring in action was recommended most of the time so I decided to give it a go.

The thing is the author offers some pretty reasonable explanations, puzzle by puzzle it gets in your head, than you just need to code it and you're done, you get it(this is how I work don't know about the others).

When it comes to the code its very disapointing, I went trought the Knight example like 2 or 3 times by now and I see its incorrect in the book, I mean its hard already for people eager to learn and why not a note somewhere in the book like pseudo-code or something.

The knight example in the first chapter is missing two classes QuestFailedException and HolyGrail I mean other people must have noticed this, why is everyone recommending this book without saying at least it has some errors(like many others do), was anyone actually been able to compile and this first chapter example?

+1  A: 

Have you contacted the author? Most authors are likely to respond pretty quickly if there are problems with their books. The author forum is probably the best starting point.

Also, you haven't mentioned whether those classes just aren't printed in the book, or whether they're also not available in downloadable source code. It's not always practical to print all the source code - authors tend to concentrate on the most important classes.

Jon Skeet

Examples are not available in the book but they are on their website, http://www.manning-source.com/books/walls2/Knight.zip .. very good book indeed, it can be frustrated sometimes .. what can you do, for(;;)try again


Since its just the first chapter, the author is just trying to prove a point. You do not need to know the implementation details of HolyGrail and QuestFailedException as they do not matter. Consider the HolyGraily as an object that is somehow generated and returned, it is not important how it is generated. And consider the QuestFailedException as just as an indication that an exception can be thrown. The purpose of the code in chaper 1 (in this book at least) is not to generate a fully executing code but to give example of how dependency injection can be used.
