



I am using the qTip plugin to post a imdb URL to an IMDB grabber script and display movie info on that url.

Everything works until I have more than one qtip on the page.

What i need to do Is only post the data of the image that is being hovered. This is the code should make a bit more sense then me.

Script -

var link = $("#link").val();
var imdbLink =  { "link" : link };  // note change to data...

$('.moviebox').each(function() {
       style: { name: 'light' },
       content: {
         method: 'GET',
         data: imdbLink,   // you could make this { "link" : link }
         url: '/bin/imdb/imdb.example.php',
         text: '<img class="throbber" src="/images/loading.gif" alt="Loading..." />'
       position: {
             corner: {
               target: 'bottomright',
              tooltip: 'bottomleft'


  <div class="moviebox rounded"><a href="#">
  <img src="" />
  <form method="get" action="">
    <input type="text" name="link" id="link" style="display:none" value=""/&gt;

  <div class="moviebox rounded"><a href="#"><img src="" />
   <form method="get" action="">
    <input type="text" name="link" id="link" style="display:none" value=""/&gt;

You will see that both inputs have the same ID which is causing an issue. how would I get around this keeping the IDs the same????


Simple solution is to use class instead of id. Besides that, ID are meant to be unique, shouldn't use them in more than once on the same page anyways.

Changed it to a class. Hasn't helped the script still doesn't know which one to choose
Well, you probably have to use .each() to loop through them. I think the easiest is just to add the $('.link').val() inside your $('.movie').loop. If you don't mind redundancy, I got a silly method that might work. Take out the first 2 lines, instead $('.link').attr('id',function(e){ return 'id'+e; } Inside your $('.movie').each loop, $('.movie').each(function(x){ ... data:{ 'link: '+$('id'+x).val(); }, ...}Let's see if that works.