



I've installed the HgEclipse plugin for Mercurial integration in Eclipse. I have an existing (Java) project in Eclipse, but I can't figure out how to turn on mercurial change tracking for this existing project.

It seems I can do an import of a mercurial project (File > Import > Mercurial > Clone ...), but that's only for new Eclipse projects...

Of course, I can apply Mercurial via the command line, e.g. hg init in the project directory, but this doesn't get picked up in Eclipse.

So, how do I turn on Mercurial for existing Eclipse projects?

+7  A: 

Right click on project go to "Team" -> "Share Project" select "Mercurial" and go through the wizard steps.

David Holbrook
Perfect, thanks. I had seen that command, but hadn't understood it was for creating a mercurial repository.
thanks a lot, it worked for me too.
Kaustubh P