



Here's the relevant code snippet.

public static Territory[] assignTerri (Territory[] board, String[] colors) 
    for (int i = 0; i<board.length; i++) 
        // so a problem is that Territory.translate is void fix this. 
        System.out.print ("What team controls ") ; Territory.translate (i) ; System.out.println (" ?") ; 

        boolean a = false ;
        while (a = false) 
            String s = getIns () ;
            if ((checkColor (s, colors)))
                board[i].team = (returnIndex (s, colors)) ;
                a =true ; 
                System.out.println ("error try again") ; 
        System.out.print ("How many unites are on ") ; Territory.translate (i) ; System.out.println (" ?") ; 
        int n = getInt () ; 
        board[i].population = n ; 
    return board ; 


As an additional piece of information, checkColor just checks to make sure that its first argument, a string, is a string in one of the indexes of its second argument, an array.

It seems to me that when the while the method gets a string from the keyboard and then only if that string checks out is a true and the while allowed to terminate.

The output I get though is this:

What team controls Alaska ?
How many unites are on Alaska ?

(there is space at the end to type in an input)

This would seem to suggest that the while terminates before an input is ever typed in since the first line of text is within the while while the second line of text comes after it outside of it.

Why is this happening?

+11  A: 

Because you confused = with == ?

Yep, while (a = false) should be changed to while (a == false)
I ALWAYSE DO THIS AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! +1
Normally in Java when you confuse `=` and `==` in a `while` condition, you get a compiler error, you bang your head on your desk, and you fix it. But for the `boolean` type `while (a = false)` is a statement with a valid condition, so the compiler doesn't stop you.
Hehe, I used to do this too after doing too much Python. =P
Matt H
that's why I always use the convention const == var and not var == const. that way the day I forget one = the compiler will refuse to compile regardless of langauge and typ
No, its why you use the convention var and !var for boolean types in java.
+5  A: 

Because you need to use

while (a == false)


while (!a)


('=' is the assignment operator. '==' is a comparison operator. You need to use a comparison operator in this instance.)

Michael Todd
while (!a) is the best option
@Joel Oh, agreed. Just mentioning options.
Michael Todd
+2  A: 

You need to use == rather than = to make an 'equals' comparison.


while (a == false)


while (!a)

will work. !a means not a.

Matt H
+1  A: 

Even though the issue is solved by previous answers, I Would recommend rewriting the break condition as an explicit break.

while (true) 
    String s = getIns () ;
    if (checkColor(s, colors))
        board[i].team = returnIndex(s, colors);
    System.out.println("error try again"); 

Or write the code more like how you would describe it in English. "Ask for a new answer until satisfied".

String s = getIns();
while (!checkColor(s, colors))
    // Ask for a new answer until satisfied
    System.out.println ("error try again");
    s = getIns();
board[i].team = returnIndex(s, colors);

The intention of the code is more clear this way imho.

how does break work?
It exits the loop at that point - regardless of the while conditions. If you want to write good, structured code you should always try to use a boolean condition rather than breaks, though.
Matt H