



1. JTextArea messages = new JTextArea(5, 30); 2. JScrollPane scrollTextBox = new JScrollPane(messages, JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS, JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED ); 3. Container window; 4. ... 5. messages.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500,100)); 6. messages.setLineWrap(true); 7. messages.add(scrollTextBox, BorderLayout.CENTER); 8. window.add(messages); 9.

10. I'm trying to write a text box within a GUI box that returns messages from a server, it needs a scroll bar because messages are continually being sent but at the moment only the first few lines are visible and the rest aren't because i can't get the scroll to work. 11. my attempts before have either resulted in this error: 12. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: adding container's parent to itself 13. at java.awt.Container.checkAddToSelf(Unknown Source) 14. at java.awt.Container.addImpl(Unknown Source) 15. at java.awt.Container.add(Unknown Source) 16. at LODGUI.drawAndShow( 17. at 18. at LODClient.main( 19.

20. or no change and no scroll bar.


The problem is explained in the error message. You are adding messages to scrollTextBox, then adding scrollTextBox to messages.

And please please try to format you question...


Delete line 7.

Change line 8 to:


(The way to do it is to insert your component 'messages' into a JScrollPane which you do in line 2. Then, don't insert 'messages' into the container, but insert the scoll pane.)

And please, next time format your question.

thanks, i sorted it out in the end.sorry bout the formatting, first time using this site and i'm just finding my way around.