I am working with an open source version of the Saxon XSLT processor "Saxon from Saxonica" and am trying to make use of the java extensibility for the first time. I am running into an issue I suspect may be a limitation on the open source version, but wanted to check first whether there might be something I am just missing here.
From the snippet below, my result is that the final value of $c1 does not change as a result of the call to greg:setTime() - i.e. the $c1 variable within Saxon appears to be unhooked from the underlying Java object and there is no apparent way to access the object as updated by the setTime() call.
NOTE that all code in the snippet is tested and working otherwise - i.e. $c1 is properly instantiated by the getInstance() call, $startdate is of the proper format and $d1 is properly instantiated.
<xsl:element name="JobExpireDate">
<xsl:variable name="c1" select="greg:getInstance()" />
<xsl:variable name="d1" select="sql:valueOf($startdate)" />
<xsl:variable name="void" select="greg:setTime($c1,$d1)" />
<xsl:value-of select="$c1" />