



I use @Resource to annotate bean classes, @Autowired to autowire dependencies, and in Spring configuration file these things:

    context:component-scan base-package="package1,package2" 

So, it works fine (tested). Spring scans package1, package2, classes with @Resource annotation and then I can get them using getBean() IF TESTED FROM CONSOLE APPLICATION [say, with main() function].

But when I try to use next approach (to use Spring in container managed environment = with Tomcat):


compile a jar with all the bean classes and put this jar into WEB-INF/lib

then what I see? I cannot getBean() any of those @Resource annotated beans!
Spring simply cannot find them.
Still I can getBean() beans that are explicitly present in beans.xml.

Where's the problem?


I'm not sure how it's working in standalone mode, but the "" element in your Spring context allows the use "@Resource" annotations. Look at the Spring doc for more information.

David M. Karr
I said I wasn't sure how it was working standalone because what I saw that was wrong with your configuration wouldn't have resolved itself in a standalone application vs. a web application.I also see that the critical information I tried to provide was elided because I didn't escape the angle brackets. You need to have the "context:annotation-config" element.
David M. Karr