I'm trying to call a Page Method using a jQuery 'attached' event function, in which I like to use the closure to keep the event target local, as below, but page method calls declare several 'error' functions, and I would like to use one function for all of them. If, in the below code, I was handling an error and not success, how could I use my single, anonymous handler for all 3 error functions?
$(":button").click(function () {
var button = this;
function (a, b, c) {
This example passes an anonymous function for the success callback. There is only one of these. If I was passing an error callback, how could I use 'function (e, c, t)' for all 3 error callbacks?
ADDED: What I would like to do here is trigger an AJAX call whenever the user clicks a toggle button (checkbox), but to improve responsiveness, I want to toggle the button state immediately, and only 'untoggle' it if the AJAX call fails.
Now, in my client-side click()
event handler, I would like to use anonymous functions inside the scope of click()' so that the functions have access to the
thisevent argument, but I don't want to 'declare' three functions for the
onError, and 'onAbort
arguments of the PageMethods.MyFunction function. if I declare a named function outside of the click handler, it no longer has access to the 'this' parameter of the click()
event handler.