




I'd like to get the image files for the constants definied in NSImage.h, like NSImageNameGoRightTemplate for example. I'd like to copy and edit some of them. Does anybody know where those images are located? I'm too stupid to find them on the drive...


As far as I know, they are not located in a single place, and their names may not reflect at all the name of the constants.
They can be located in the 'Resources' folder of a framework, like /System/Library/Frameworks/Appkit/Resources/, or directly in an application, like /System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app/Resources/.

Good luck finding them... : )

You may also take a look at a theming app, like CandyBar. Maybe you'll be able to see some paths in the binary.

Thanks for your answer.I found a lot of images in /System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Frameworks/ImageKit.framework/Versions/A/Resources. Also there are a lot in the Finder bundle as you proposed. However, I did not find the one I actually was looking for. Maybe they are located in this binary file: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreUI.framework//Resources/ArtFile.bin. But can't read it. I'll create my own ones.