




I have a scenario in which i`m getting a number of tiles (e.g.12) from my mapping server. Now for buffering and offline functions I need to join them all back again so that we have to deal with 1 single image object instead of 12. I ve tried to do it without JAI my code is below.

package imagemerge;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class ImageSticher extends WindowAdapter {

    Image tile1;
    Image tile2;
    Image result;
    ColorModel colorModel;
    int width,height,widthr,heightr;
    //int t1,t2;
    int t12[];

    public ImageSticher()


    public ImageSticher (Image img1,Image img2,int w,int h)



    public Image horizontalStich() throws Exception


        t12=new int[widthr *  heightr];

        int t1[]=new int[width*height];
        PixelGrabber p1 =new PixelGrabber(tile1, 0, 0, width, height, t1, 0, width);

        int t2[]=new int[width*height];
        PixelGrabber p2 =new PixelGrabber(tile2, 0, 0, width, height, t1, 0, width);

        int y, x, rp, rpi;
        int red1, red2, redr;
        int green1, green2, greenr;
        int blue1, blue2, bluer;
        int alpha1, alpha2, alphar;

                rpi=y*widthr+x; // index of resulting pixel;
                rp=0;           //initializing resulting pixel

                if(x<(widthr/2)) // x is less than width , copy first tile
                    blue1 = t1[rpi] & 0x00ff; // ERROR occurs here
                    green1=(t1[rpi] >> 8) & 0x00ff;
                    red1=(t1[rpi] >> 16) & 0x00ff;
                    alpha1 = (t1[rpi] >> 24) & 0x00ff;

                    redr = (int)(red1 * 1.0); // copying red band pixel into redresult,,,,1.0 is the alpha valye
                    redr = (redr < 0)?(0):((redr>255)?(255):(redr));
                    greenr = (int)(green1 * 1.0); //
                    redr = (int)(red1 * 1.0); //
                    greenr = (greenr < 0)?(0):((greenr>255)?(255):(greenr));
                    bluer = (int)(blue1 * 1.0);
                    bluer =  (bluer < 0)?(0):((bluer>255)?(255):(bluer));
                    alphar = 255;

                    //resulting pixel computed
                    rp = (((((alphar << 8) + (redr & 0x0ff)) << 8) + (greenr & 0x0ff)) << 8) + (bluer & 0x0ff);

                else // index is ahead of half way...copy second tile

                    blue2 = t2[rpi] & 0x00ff; // blue band bit of first tile
                    green2=(t2[rpi] >> 8) & 0x00ff;
                    red2=(t2[rpi] >> 16) & 0x00ff;
                    alpha2 = (t2[rpi] >> 24) & 0x00ff;

                    redr = (int)(red2 * 1.0); // copying red band pixel into redresult,,,,1.0 is the alpha valye
                    redr = (redr < 0)?(0):((redr>255)?(255):(redr));
                    greenr = (int)(green2 * 1.0); //
                    redr = (int)(red2 * 1.0); //
                    greenr = (greenr < 0)?(0):((greenr>255)?(255):(greenr));
                    bluer = (int)(blue2 * 1.0);
                    bluer =  (bluer < 0)?(0):((bluer>255)?(255):(bluer));
                    alphar = 255;

                    //resulting pixel computed
                    rp = (((((alphar << 8) + (redr & 0x0ff)) << 8) + (greenr & 0x0ff)) << 8) + (bluer & 0x0ff);

                t12[rpi] = rp; // copying resulting pixel in the result int array which will be converted to image


        MemoryImageSource mis;
        if (t12!=null) {
            mis = new MemoryImageSource(widthr, heightr, colorModel, t12, 0, widthr);
            result = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(mis);
            return result;

        return null;



now to check the my theory Im trying to join or stich two tiles horizontaly but im getting the error :

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 90000 at imagemerge.ImageSticher.horizontalStich( at imageStream.ImageStream.getImage( at imageStream.ImageStream.main(

is there some kind of limitation because when stiching two images of 300 x 300 horizontally it means the resulting image will be 600 x 300 ... that would make 180000 index size but its giving error at 90000, what am I doing wrong here

+1  A: 

rpi is the index of your resulting pixel, not the index in your source tile data in t1, which is half the size.

Stephen Denne
ok thanks I made the correction but now its only showing the 2nd Image object and that also in the place of 1st Image and its own space in new image is BLACK
package imagemerge;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class ImageSticher extends WindowAdapter {

    Image tile1;
    Image tile2;
    Image result;
    ColorModel colorModel;
    int width,height,widthr,heightr;
    //int t1,t2;
    int t12[];

    public ImageSticher()


    public ImageSticher (Image img1,Image img2,int w,int h)

        colorModel=ColorModel.getRGBdefault(); // for memory image source


    public Image horizontalStich() throws Exception


        t12=new int[widthr *  heightr];

        int t1[]=new int[width*height];

        PixelGrabber p1 =new PixelGrabber(tile1, 0, 0, width, height, t1, 0, width); // put pixels of tile1 into t1[] as integers
        System.out.println("lendth of t1="+t1.length);

        int t2[]=new int[width*height];
        PixelGrabber p2 =new PixelGrabber(tile2, 0, 0, width, height, t1, 0, width);
    //  System.out.println("lendth of t2="+t2.length);

        int y, x, rp, rpi;
        int red1, red2, redr;
        int green1, green2, greenr;
        int blue1, blue2, bluer;
        int alpha1, alpha2, alphar;
        int index1,index2;


                rpi=y*widthr+x; // index of resulting pixel;
                rp=0;           //initializing resulting pixel
            //  System.out.println(rpi);

                if(x<(widthr/2)) // x is less than width , copy first tile

                    blue1 = t1[index1] & 0x00ff; // blue band bit of first tile
                    green1=(t1[index1] >> 8) & 0x00ff;
                    red1=(t1[index1] >> 16) & 0x00ff;
                    alpha1 = (t1[index1] >> 24) & 0x00ff;

                    redr = (int)(red1 * 1.0); // copying red band pixel into redresult,,,,1.0 is the alpha valye
                    redr = (redr < 0)?(0):((redr>255)?(255):(redr));
                    greenr = (int)(green1 * 1.0); //
                    redr = (int)(red1 * 1.0); //
                    greenr = (greenr < 0)?(0):((greenr>255)?(255):(greenr));
                    bluer = (int)(blue1 * 1.0);
                    bluer =  (bluer < 0)?(0):((bluer>255)?(255):(bluer));
                    alphar = 255;

                    //resulting pixel computed
                    rp = (((((alphar << 8) + (redr & 0x0ff)) << 8) + (greenr & 0x0ff)) << 8) + (bluer & 0x0ff);
//                    System.out.println("t1"+rp);

                else // index is ahead of half way...copy second tile
                    blue2 = t2[index2] & 0x00ff; // blue band bit of first tile
                    green2=(t2[index2] >> 8) & 0x00ff;
                    red2=(t2[index2] >> 16) & 0x00ff;
                    alpha2 = (t2[index2] >> 24) & 0x00ff;

                    redr = (int)(red2 * 1.0); // copying red band pixel into redresult,,,,1.0 is the alpha valye
                    redr = (redr < 0)?(0):((redr>255)?(255):(redr));
                    greenr = (int)(green2 * 1.0); //
                    redr = (int)(red2 * 1.0); //
                    greenr = (greenr < 0)?(0):((greenr>255)?(255):(greenr));
                    bluer = (int)(blue2 * 1.0);
                    bluer =  (bluer < 0)?(0):((bluer>255)?(255):(bluer));
                    alphar = 255;

                    //resulting pixel computed
                    rp = (((((alphar << 8) + (redr & 0x0ff)) << 8) + (greenr & 0x0ff)) << 8) + (bluer & 0x0ff);
  //                  System.out.println("t2"+rp);

                t12[rpi] = rp; // copying resulting pixel in the result int array which will be converted to image


        MemoryImageSource mis;
        if (t12!=null) {
            mis = new MemoryImageSource(widthr, heightr, colorModel, t12, 0, widthr);
            result = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(mis);
            return result;

        return null;



this is the new code.. there is index1 and index2 for both arrays that is reset at everynew ROW but now tile2 is displayed at the location of tile1 and tile2's own space is shown black

ok I have found the error there was a typo error when creating second pixelGrabber, I passed the same array, thanks