




i have a problem with hibernate using netbean platform 6.8, i have been search around internet, but cannot found the suitable answer

This is my story.

i am using oracle database as data source of my hibernate entity with ojdbc14.jar driver.

First i create hibernate entity tobe wrapped latter in a netbeans module, i tested the hibernate connection configuration and everything just works well. i can connect to oracle database successfuly, every hibernate query works well.

Then i wrapped that hibernate entity jar as a netbeans module, create another module to warp my ojdbc14.jar then i test it. and, im using hibernate library dependency that available on netbean platform (netbean 6.8),

but unfutornatelly i got oracle sql error saying “no suitable driver for [connection url]” when running the project.

thats quite weird since it doesn’t happend when I test it before with out netbean platform.

i thought that is related to netbeans lazy loading issue, i am not sure,.

any idea ?

tq for help