



How can I achieve a cool looking photo gallery page? I don't know Flash, but can learn, and thought about a random collage that 'pulls out' a photo that you hover over.

It's for a photographer, so no thumbnails, grids, etc.

+2  A: 

If you're looking for a tool that's pretty flexible and will support itself later on as you can just train the user to work with it check out JAlbum.

To work on integrating this yourself you can check out AJAX ASP Photo Gallery or something like this one.

If you're looking for a flash/flex based solution that they can just "plug-in" as a stand-alone product which incorporates some of the features you've described StudioCloud has a nice one that has a monthly fee...

Mat Nadrofsky
+2  A: 

I have had good results using the Galleria plugin for jQuery:

It will require an html page as a source, but this is relatively easy to produce automatically from a database or directory structure using ASP.NET

If the data does not need to be updated too often you could even produce the HTML by hand in a pinch. It wouldnt be difficult though it isnt easy to maintain.

Jack Ryan

There are dozens of off the shelf apps available. Gallery, Wordpress (after configuration), and a few ASP.Net based ones. Flash is certainly not required.

That said, in order to learn a bit about Pylons, I wrote my own basic photo blog. If you can do basic CRUD development, it shouldn't be too hard.

Regarding your collage idea, you can accomplish that with JavaScript as well. See this article for similar effects stuff.

+1  A: 

I agree with Mat - JAlbum is excellent - but I'd also like to add that it's even better with the BananAlbum skin.

Hey good call on that skin!
Mat Nadrofsky