



I have just installed the Blackberry Widget Packager and Blackberry Web Plug-In for Eclipse, and everything works fine, but my files are output to strange places.

For example, I tried putting my zipped source files in the folder Blackberry Widget Packager/web and I got an error during packaging. Packaging works when the .zip is in the same directory as wwbp, though. When a widget is successfully created, the executable .jar file and the .rapc files are put in some stupid folder like users/user/temp/widgetname094098456, and the other files are split between two folders in Blackberry Widget Packager/bin.

This is slightly annoying as I don't want to be spending time herding my files. Anyone have any thoughts on why my files are being scattered like this?


Sorry I can not help you to answer your question, but could you kindly tell me where you downloaded the BB widget packager?

My problem is that I could not get widget launched in the simulator with the Web plug-in and widget SDK in the Eclipse alone. The build only produced .zip file. As I understand .cod file is needed.

I searched around and did not find download link in BB's site, and wondering it should be just part of the widget SDK; if it is my problem still here. That's why I am going to install the packager independently if you can let me know where to get it..

thanks in advance..

Thanks!!The SDK plug-in did include the widget packager. I finally figured out, after 8-hour struggle, that my jdk was the problem. I had to remove java6_update 18 and install jdk6_update20 to get the widget launched in the simulator.If you use the two plug-ins (web and sdk), the eclipse build outputs two folders: OTAInstall and StandardInstall, in which all the final built are nicely grouped. You don't have to run bbwp from the command line. See tneil's reply on 10-16-2008 at