I am trying to create a simple program that loops for user speech input using com.apple.speech.recognitionserver. My code thus far is as follows:
set user_response to "start"
repeat while user_response is not equal to "Exit"
tell application id "com.apple.speech.recognitionserver"
set user_response to listen for {"Time", "Weather", "Exit"} with prompt
"Good Morning"
end tell
if user_response = "Time" then
set curr_time to time string of (the current date)
set curr_day to weekday of (the current date)
say "It is"
say curr_time
say "on"
say curr_day
say "day"
else if user_response = "Weather" then
say "It is hot outside. What do you expect?"
end if
end repeat
say "Have a good day"
If the above is run on my system it says good morning and it then pops up with the speech input system and waits for either Time, Weather, or Exit. They all do what they say they are going to do, but instead of looping if I say Time and Weather and asking again until I say exit the speechserver times out and never pops up again. Is there a way of either keeping that application open until the program ends or is applescript not capable of looping for user speech input?