



One of the strongest accents of the Spring framework is the Dependency Injection concept. I understand one of the advices behind that is to separate general high-level mechanism from low-level details (as announced by Dependency Inversion Principle).

Technically, that boils down to having a bean implementation to know as little as possible about a bean being injected as a dependency, e.g.

public class PrintOutBean {
    private LogicBean logicBean;
    public void action() {

<bean class="PrintOutBean">
    <property name="loginBean" ref="ShoppingCartBean"/>

But what if I wanted to a have a high-level mechanism operating on multiple dependent beans?

  public class MenuManagementBean {
       private Collection<Option> options;
       public void printOut() {
            for (Option option:options) {
              // do something for option

I know one solution would be to use @Autowired annotation in the singleton bean, that is...

  private Collection<Option> options;

But doesn't it violate the separation principle? Why do I have to specify what dependents to take in the very same place I use them (i.e. MenuManagementBean class in my example)? Is there a way to inject collections of beans in the XML configuration like this (without any annotation in the MMB class)?

<bean class="MenuManagementBean">
    <property name="options">
       <xxx:autowire by-type="MyOptionImpl"/>
+4  A: 

There's no out-of-the-box facility to do this, no. However, if you want a way of collecting all beans of a given type into a collection, without using an @Autowired list, then it's easy to write a custom FactoryBean to do it for you:

public class BeanListFactoryBean<T> extends AbstractFactoryBean<Collection<T>> {

    private Class<T> beanType;
    private @Autowired ListableBeanFactory beanFactory;

    public void setBeanType(Class<T> beanType) {
        this.beanType = beanType;

    protected Collection<T> createInstance() throws Exception {
        return beanFactory.getBeansOfType(beanType).values();

    public Class<?> getObjectType() {
        return Collection.class;

and then

 <bean class="MenuManagementBean">
    <property name="options">
       <bean class="BeanListFactoryBean">
          <property name="beanType" class="MyOptionImpl.class"/>

However, this all seems like a lot of effort to avoid putting @Autowired in your original class. It's not much of a violation of SoC, if it is at all - there's no compiltime dependency, and no knowledge of where the options are coming from.

Custom FactoryBean: At the first glance I guess this solution doesn't allow me to specify two (or more) collections to be autowired by type and be injected as a single collection. I didn't state that in the question, but I thought it might be useful.
Grzegorz Oledzki
When it comes to SoC violation: I see your point, but I still think there's something wrong about it. What if I am supposed to develop and deliver the high-level bean (`MenuManagementBean` in my example) in my library and then some depending project should be able to use that?
Grzegorz Oledzki
@Grzegorz: Inject the factory bean with `Option.class` rather than `MyOptionImpl.class`, that should get you all beans implementing the interface.
Hmm... Maybe it's not that practical, but I thought it would be beneficial if one could inject only some implementations of the `Option` interface. Especially if the `Option` interface is quite general (has a lot of subinterfaces and classes).
Grzegorz Oledzki
@Grzegorz: OK, so modify the factory bean to take a list of types and make it add all beans of those types to the same collection.
I like it. That would work.
Grzegorz Oledzki

Alternative to @Autowired, using a context file:

So you'd have:

<bean class="MenuManagementBean" autowire="byType" />

Other properties can be specified, as normal, and that would override the autowiring only for those properties.
