I have an NSTextField that I would like to enable "as-you-type" spell checking. When I load my application I can do this from the Menu Bar > Edit > Spelling and Grammar > Check Spelling While Typing.
I would like this option to be enabled by default. Within IB I can enable this for a NSTextView but I would like to use NSTextField for this part of the UI.
Thank you.
Update: Does anyone know if it is possible to programatically run the Menu Bar > Edit > Spelling and Grammar > Check Spelling While Typing option on the NSTextField from Objective-C code? It seems that the NSTextField supports the "Check Spelling While Typing" option, just there is no way to enable the option from Obj-C.
Edit #1
I tried the following to manually enable the menu and it didn't work:
// Focus TextField
[textField becomeFirstResponder];
// Enable Spell Checking
NSMenu *mainMenu = [[NSApplication sharedApplication] mainMenu];
NSMenu *editMenu = [[mainMenu itemWithTitle:@"Edit"] submenu];
NSMenu *spellingMenu = [[editMenu itemWithTitle:@"Spelling and Grammar"] submenu];
NSMenuItem *autoSpellingMenuItem = [spellingMenu itemWithTitle:@"Check Spelling While Typing"];
[autoSpellingMenuItem setEnabled:YES];
NSLog(@"Menu: %@", [autoSpellingMenuItem description]);
NSLog(@"Target: %@", [[autoSpellingMenuItem target] description]);
// Actually perform menu action
[[autoSpellingMenuItem target] performSelector:[autoSpellingMenuItem action]];
Is it not possible to directly call the menu item action rather than using the setEnabled:YES ?
The above outputs the following, not sure why the target is null
App[3895:a0f] Menu: <NSMenuItem: 0x100135180 Check Spelling While Typing>
Current language: auto; currently objective-c
App[3895:a0f] Target: (null)
Below is the solution for this issue if anyone else needs to know. Some NSLogging showed me that after setting the NSTextField to firstResponder the firstResponder actually contains a NSTextView, you can then enable the spelling. I assume the NSTextField contains a NSTextView in the subviews which takes the responder, really this should be exposed in the NSTextField class.
// Focus TextField
[textField becomeFirstResponder];
// Enable Continous Spelling
NSTextView *textView = (NSTextView *)[self.window firstResponder];
[textView setContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled:YES];