I'm trying to read xml file, ex :
<title>FEED TITLE</title>
<tempi type="application/xml">
<conento xmlns="http://mydomainname.com/xsd/radiofeed.xsd" madeIn="USA" />
Here is the code I have so far :
Here is my attempt of trying to code this, what to say not successful thats why I started bounty. Here it is http://pastebin.com/huKP4KED .
Bounty update :
I really really tried to do this for days now didn't expect to be so hard, I'll accept useful links/books/tutorials but prefer code because I need this done yesterday.
Here is what I need:
Concerning xml above :
- I need to get value of title, id
- attribute value of tempi as well as madeIn attribute value of contento
What is the best way to do this ?
@Pascal Thivent
Maybe creating method would be good idea like public String getValue(String xml, Element elementname), where you specify tag name, the method returns tag value or tag attribute(maybe give it name as additional method argument) if the value is not available
What I really want to get certain tag value or attribute if tag value(s) is not available, so I'm in the process of thinking what is the best way to do so since I've never done it before