I've setup the following:
- Installed Mylyn in Eclipse
- Installed the Bugzilla connector
- Installed Subversive SVN Integration for the Mylyn Project
- I've gone to Windows -> Preferences -> Tasks -> Team and clicked Change Set Management and left it with the default Commit Comment Template:
${task.status} - ${connector.task.prefix} ${task.key}: ${task.description} ${task.url}
However, if I activate a bugzilla bug in the Task List, and then edit a file, when I commit the changes the commit message isn't filled in.
Also, in the Synchronisation perspective there isn't a change set for the task I'm working on.
I've tried following the instructions on the Eclipse wiki's Mylyn FAQ for Why does task change set not appear when I modify files? but the bullet point:
- Verify that the configured Synchronize View is configured for change sets. points to a section that is no longer in the document.
I have a Show Change Sets button, but clicking it only shows me incoming change sets, there aren't any outgoing change sets.
What am I missing?