



Hi, can i create webparts controls for Sharepoint 2007 in Delphi Prism? If yes, how? Thank you.

+2  A: 

Sharepoint uses plain old ASP.NET WebParts. Even webparts that inherit from the Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.WebPart class ultimately inherit from ASP.NET's WebPart. You should have no problem creating a webpart for Sharepoint. Finding samples and tutorials is going to be a problem though, as 90% of Sharepoint development, samples and tools are in C#.

Panagiotis Kanavos
+1 The OP is on a hiding to nothing trying to do this. Even useing VB.NET is going to seriously limit the resources you will find to help you on your way.
Thanks, i've created an webpart but i don't know how to import it in sharepoint (on a new page it works).