



Sometimes, in Eclipse , i press a combination of keys which take me to the editor page that shows contents of my .class file (bytecode). I never seem to be able to remember what that key combination is.

Can someone please let me know?

Or in other words, how can one see own bytecode?


Well... if the .class is selected in the Navigator View or Package Explorer view, a simple F3 is enough to open a decompiled version of it in the editor.

eclipse class editor

Or when you have the cursor over the type in Java code (alternatively CTRL+click). Note that Eclipse doesn't actually decompile anything. You just associate a source source with a binary source. The source you see might have absolutely nothing to do with the compiled class file. The source for `BufferManagerWriteCollect` happens to be included in the JDK. Try opening pretty much anything in the sun.** subpackages and you'll see what I mean.
Mark Peters
@Mark: I agree, even if it isn't exactly a... "combination of keys" ;) But again, neither is my <kbd>F3</kbd> suggestion!
+1  A: 

Eclipse's default class file viewer shows the source (see VonC's answer) if it has been associated with the binaries, otherwise it gives a javap-like view of the class (with an option to attach source). I'm guessing it's the latter that you are looking for.

I've never found a way to cleanly force Eclipse to show that output rather than the linked source. What you probably want is an Eclipse plug-in that provides Javap like functionality (or an interface to javap). Look for plugins stating they "disassemble" (as opposed to "decompile," like jad).

Barring a plug-in, you could probably configure an external tool to perform javap but it might not play nicely with other eclipse features.

Edit: Let me be clear about the above: If you hit F3, Eclipse does the following (generally, the actual procedure might be slightly different):

  1. Resolves the target (if you are selecting a Java file, it will be the Java file itself; if you are selecting or your cursor is over a class name it will be the class declaration, similar for a method declaration, etc).
  2. Searches the build path (same project first) for a Java file containing the target. If found, opens up an writable editor displaying that Java source file.
  3. For class/method declarations, it continues searching references on your build path for a class file that contains the declaration. If it is found, then
    a) If the class file has had source attached to it, open up a read-only editor of the linked Java file. b) If the class file does not have source attached to it, then open up a read-only panel showing the disassembled (javap-like) bytecode of the compiled class file.

My guess would be that you're thinking there's a dedicated key sequence to 3.b), but I don't think there is. But again, I would love to be proven wrong here.

Mark Peters
There is some default key combination that shows bytecode. Excuse me if i was not clear. That is what i was referring to
You were clear, and I understood fine. I just believe you're mistaken, or that maybe that functionality is provided by a non-stock plugin. I would love to be proven wrong since I could use such a shortcut. If you know this to be true, why don't you just go through Preferences->General->Keys, find the binding, and report back here? Thanks.
Mark Peters
And by the way, my answer *does* deal with bytecode. It's what I mean when I say a javap-like view. Javap is the JDK tool for displaying bytecode from a compiled class file.
Mark Peters