grails has some strange syntax, how is that java?
is it a custom templating language that then gets compiled down to java?
grails has some strange syntax, how is that java?
is it a custom templating language that then gets compiled down to java?
Grails (based on Groovy) is not meant to look like Java code. The only similarity between the two (Groovy and Java) is that they get compiled down into code that runs on the JVM.
Wikipedia has a good page with a list of the languages that run on the JVM. You should notice that most of them don't look anything like Java.
"Grails is an open source web application framework."
It is based on Groovy, a scripting language which compiles to Java bytecode.
1st result for Google: what is grails
Grails is a web framework based on the Groovy language and Groovy compiles to bytecode that is executed by a java virual machine.