Did you try JavaEE tools and m2eclipse? As far as I can see it should work well in most common situations. What m2eclipse does for you is to exactly map the maven configuration to an eclipse projects with the necessary facets set. Also, if the Dynamic Web Application facet is set for your project, you will be able to deploy it to a Tomcat server that you set up in the Server view of JavaEE tools. This configuration allows hot redeploy.
More information on JavaEE tools:
There is a full Eclipse distribution with the EE tools available on their download site:
m2eclipse is freely available from Sonatype:
At work we use the mentioned software as well. Additionally we use the JBoss tools that provide a feature called Project Archives that let you individually build your web application archive (ear/war/...).
To get startet you should perhaps start a fresh workspace and import the existing maven project (via the import existing maven project wizard). If everything went fine you can set up your tomcat in the server view. Maybe switch to the Java EE perspective. Right click on the newly added server and select Add to add the dynamic web project you just imported. If it doesn't show up in the list try to update the project configuration via the project's maven context menu.