



Hey, we are migrating articles from old portal to new one. The source of articles is atom feed and they will be added to atomPub server of the new portal using apache abdera. Each entry, when being processed by abdera in the object representation, should be placed into a queue and supplied to a htmleditor when a person-editor clicks "next article" in a simple web gui and modifies the article and accepts it.

Could please anybody suggest some htmleditor API that would fulfill this scenario ? I'm aware of fckeditor, but I'm not sure if this is possible. I've been expecting that the new javascript ckeditor 3.x would add support for java, but unfortunately there is only fckeditor I don't have good experience with from past year.

Originally I wanted to use google docs feature for htmlediting via Google docs gdata API. But the html editing feature suddenly disappeared from the new version of google docs and it seems to me that google is not planning to bring it back in the future.

Appreciate any suggestions.