



I need to create a grayscale image from data in an nio ShortBuffer. I have a function that maps the data in the ShortBuffer to unsigned byte but is in an int (easily changed). The method I found uses an RGB plus transparency color model and appears to be quite inefficent. i have not been able to see how to apply the TYPE_BYTE_GRAY and modify the code. i'm new to Java. Here's my code:

    public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
    final BufferedImage image;
    int[] iArray = {0, 0, 0, 255};  //  pixel

    image = (BufferedImage) createImage(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

    WritableRaster raster = image.getRaster();
    sBuf.rewind();  // nio ShortBuffer
    for (int row = 0; row < HEIGHT; row++) {
        for (int col = 0; col < WIDTH; col++) {
            int v = stats.mapPix(sBuf.get());  // map short to byte
            iArray[0] = v;  // RGBT
            iArray[1] = v;  
            iArray[2] = v;
            raster.setPixel(col, row, iArray);
    g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight(), null);

TIA Nate


One approach would be to create the BufferedImage by writing to the raster as you are doing now. Once you have the BufferedImage, you can convert it to TYPE_BYTE_GRAY using the filter() method of ColorConvertOp, as shown in this example.

Thanks, I did find out how to create a gray bufferedimage and got it working and put most of the code in paint in a method. My program now is much like yours except that I don't read in a JPEG file. I see that paint is called twice, is that normal?
@shellback3: The example reads a JPEG, but your code constructs a `BufferedImage` directly from raw data. I don't see any `paint()` method; you can edit your question to show additional code.
Thanks, I figured out how to do that - the paint() was elsewhere. (Now to learn how to print a short as an unsigned short - it never ends). I will get my data directly from a device (or saved in a file) as a sequence of bytes, probably in a bytebuffer.
@shellback3: re unsigned, see