Executive Summary: When assertion errors are thrown in the threads, the unit test doesn't die. This makes sense, since one thread shouldn't be allowed to crash another thread. The question is how do I either 1) make the whole test fail when the first of the helper threads crashes or 2) loop through and determine the state of each thread after they have all completed (see code below). One way of doing the latter is by having a per thread status variable, e.g., "boolean[] statuses" and have "statuses[i] == false" mean that the thread failed (this could be extended to capture more information). However, that is not what I want: I want it to fail just like any other unit test when the assertion errors are thrown. Is this even possible? Is it desirable?
I got bored and I decided to spawn a bunch of threads in my unit test and then have them call a service method, just for the heck of it. The code looks approximately like:
Thread[] threads = new Thread[MAX_THREADS];
for( int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++ ) {
threads[i] = new Thread( new Runnable() {
private final int ID = threadIdSequenceNumber++;
public void run() {
try {
resultRefs[ID] = runTest( Integer.toString( ID ) ); // returns an object
catch( Throwable t ) {
// this code is EVIL - it catches even
// Errors - don't copy it - more on this below
final String message = "error testing thread with id => "
+ ID;
logger.debug( message, t );
throw new IllegalStateException( message, t );
// need to wrap throwable in a
// run time exception so it will compile
} );
After this, we will loop through the array of threads and start each one. After that we will wait for them all to finish. Finally, we will perform some checks on the result references.
for( Thread thread : threads )
logger.debug( "waiting for threads to finish ..." );
boolean done = false;
while( !done ) {
done = true;
for( Thread thread : threads )
if( thread.isAlive() )
done = false;
for( int i = 0; i < resultRefs.length; i++ ) {
assertTrue( "you've got the world fck'd up, dawg!",
myCondition(resultRefs[i]) );
Here's the problem. Did you notice that nasty try-catch-throwable block? I just added that as a temporary hack so I could see what was going on. In runTest( String ) a few assertions are made, e.g., assertNotNull( null ), but since it is in a different thread, it doesn't cause the unit test to fail!!!!
My guess is that we will need to somehow iterate over the threads array, check the status of each, and manually cause an assertion error if the thread terminated in a nasty way. What's the name of the method that gives this information (the stack trace of the dead thread).
Thanks in advance,
The Playa from the Himalayas