



Okay, so pretty much I'm banging my head up against a wall right now. I'm making a form that is spread across three tabs. Basically you would select an employee at the right and their information would be populated to the left in three tabs. Each tab has a different form.

I am working with coldfusion and I tried using CFLAYOUT + CFDIV, but I get this funky error in IE ("Cannot process Javascript.. blah blah...") I freakin' gave up on coldfusion...

So... basically when I select an employee from the select box I want the tab to generate and pull they information for that particular employee. This information comes in an editable form...

How would I change the URL of a Tab based on the selection of the employee?

Here is the important parts of my code so far: (There is more but unnecessary for this question)

function doThis () {

var IDs = $("#selPeople").val();
var peopleID = '<a href = "getforms.cfm?people=' + IDs + '">First Tab</a>';

$('#tabs').tabs('url', 1, peopleID);



<div id="tabs">
        <li><a href="getforms.cfm?people={people.value}">1st</a></li>
        <li><a href="#tabs-2">Second Tab</a></li>
        <li><a href="#tabs-3">Third Tab</a></li>

    <div id="tabs-2">
    <div id="tabs-3">



SELECT b.LastName + ', ' + b.FirstName AS FullName, p.IDNum FROM faculty.dbo.SACS_Person p, faculty.dbo.budPerson b WHERE p.DeptCode = '#session.deptcode#' AND p.IDNum = b.ID ORDER BY b.LastName, b.FirstName

<!-- dynamic selection -->
<cfform name = "selForm">
<cfselect name="people"
        onChange = "doThis()"
        id = "selPeople"

I tried this so far... and it doesn't work... also getforms.cfm is where my form is coming from that goes into the tab.

Any help would be great i'm hurting so bad... I need answers ASAP... ; ; boss is getting angry!!!