



Hey guys,

I have a view that receives new data from a secondary thread. Every time it does, it should redraw itself. However, it doesn't play nice with the run loop, and after some time (it's non-deterministic), I end up getting <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSUnionRegionWithRect : Invalid region messages in the console.

I'm not sure what's the right way to synchronize the calls to [view setNeedsDisplay:YES] across threads; can you help me?

To clarify a little, thread B (actually a dispatch queue) gives new contents to a view by calling this:

-(void)setImageBuffer:(unsigned char*)buffer
    /* image handling stuff; thread-safe */

    [self setNeedsDisplay:YES]; // but this is not thread-safe

And then thread A, on which runs the run loop, should redisplay the view.

+1  A: 
-(void)setImageBuffer:(unsigned char*)buffer
    /* image handling stuff; thread-safe */

    [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(induceRedraw)
                                      // Don't just copy this; pick one...
                        waitUntilDone:YES or NO];

    [self setNeedsDisplay:YES]; // but this is not thread-safe
Marcelo Cantos
Meh. `NSObject` surely was the last place I'd have thought to look at. Thank you very much.
You might want to read the "Threading Programming Guide", which would have given you a clue.
@JWWalker: Perhaps you intended it as a light-hearted jibe but your comment comes across as insulting, which is quite uncalled for. I myself had no idea there was such a guide, and came across my knowledge by other means.
Marcelo Cantos
@Marcelo Cantos: I meant it as neither an insult nor a jibe, just information. @zneak implied that he didn't know where he would have found out about performSelectorOnMainThread, and is clearly new to threading (at least in Cocoa) so he should read the guide.
@JWWalker: Fair enough. The phrase, "would have given you a clue" sounded like an implied, "you don't have a clue," and without any facial cues, it's impossible to tell which meaning you intended.
Marcelo Cantos
Fine. Here's what I should have said: @zneak, you wonder how you should have found that method. When starting with a new class or area of Mac programming, it's a good idea to see whether there's a Guide. In this case, the "Threading Programming Guide" would have helped.
@JWWalker: In my mind this is more a run loop issue than a threading issue, so I didn't think about checking there. I'm actually a little surprised that the method is called `performSelectorOnMainThread` and not `performSelectorOnMainRunLoop`.