




Hello today in the java Sun page there is an article about JAXB technology wich helps on create XML schemas and create java objects instances from/to xml documents.

This tech could help me if have known it before. The same happens to me with JPA.

There are a lot of Java technologies and APIs and is difficult known all them and know for 'what' are them. Is there any site with a GOOD resumen of all this Java technologies with a summary for what is each tech and how use it

+1  A: 

You might want to try JavaDocOnline. Normally good for searching for specific classes, methods etc it often helps me in finding APIs for use. Covers the core SUN APIs and other open source ones.

Also Java.net is another good site with communities for Desktop Java, XML etc. They are also building a Wiki of Java info which could be what you are looking for.

Matt Large
+1  A: 

Also, you could keep tabs on the progress of Java Specification Requests which will end up being new packages in Java SE or EE...



I have visited the page, and the list of all JSRs you mencioned but the list its too long (contains the JDK 1.4 spec, the JVM spec...) and when you enter a JSR there aren't examples or tutorial of how use it. These site is too technical to be used as a help or a fast referene when you want to search if there is something which helps you to not reinvent the wheel

+1  A: 

Some interesting apis are described in JEE tutorial. There are chapters about persistence (JPA), web services (includes JAXB) etc. I'm sure you'll find some interesting technologies there.

You can also browse these sites:

These contain mostly news, but you can find some really good articles and blog entries on different apis.

There are some free courses on javapassion.com.

If you're interested in Java 7, then there's a bunch of links to related technologies and apis in one place: http://tech.puredanger.com/java7

I hope that some of links will be helpful.

+1  A: 

Also mostly news sites but will help you keep up with what is happening the java ecosystem :

Scott Bennett-McLeish

@ e-bartek.myopenid.com & Scott

Thx for your pages, their wasn't exactly what i want, but they have GOOD articles for Java best practices and are well organized, i enjoy especially javad.Zone.com very much
