



I have recently converted 10 JavaScript files into one file, which I then run a JavaScript compiler on. I just had a bug where I had reused a function name.

Is there a tool to check for duplicate rows/function names in the combined file?

Or should I create a little program?

+2  A: 

I haven't tried this but the "Dupli Find" available at may be of help to you.

The windows powershell script outlined in also helps you write a custom tool.

There is also a scripting solution at

rajesh pillai
cat file.js | grep -o "function\([[:space:]]\+[a-zA-Z0-9_]\+\)\?[[:space:]]*(" | sort | uniq -c | sort -n

Which reads:

  • Cat file
  • Look for function definitions (function-ws-name-ws-paren) the -o extract only matching parts of lines (ie only the definitions themselves)
  • sort (for the next step)
  • Count identical consequetive rows (uniq removes duplicates, -c adds a count)
  • sort numerically by the occurrence count so that duplicates (if any appear last)

You could filter out non-duplicates but it's easier just to sort so they come first.

Edit Changed regex to include anonymous functions

Doesn't cover assignments of anonymous functions to global variables
Chris MacDonald