What is your favourite Java orientated website? Can be forum, news, podcast or any type of site as long as it is about the Java programming language. All flavours of Java should be considered; SE, EE and ME.
You make me realize that I don't visit java sites anymore :(
+1 for Theserver side.
Still Sun's for the "Featured content" section: http://java.sun.com/
Some good thing come from these:
Java Practices is definitely my favorite. I also like Java Ranch for Java-specific information (check out the Big Moose Saloon)
http://java.dzone.com/ (aka "Javalobby"). Has a neat interface, generally just an aggregator of developer links and articles similar to digg.
A bit out there is Bile Blog. Very strong language, and the guy seems to enjoy being controversial but sometimes there is wheat in the chaff
I blogged a set of Java resources a while back that has some stuff outside what's been mentioned here: Favorite Java resources.
One of the very few Java related sites I actually frequent (besides SO) is Dan Dyer's blog, 'New Adventures in Software'.
Largely Java stuff, but by no means limited to it. This isn't an especially active blog though.
Think mine is Java2s.com, although it's not only Java. They have an amazing archieve of snippets, organized in perfection, which serves great when you need to look up things fast.