



I loved this question/answers: Would love all those great answers/links with the Java language instead!


Just check out the AllTime favourites at SourceForge, there's lots of stuff you can learn there.

Or go to the SourceForge Software Map, pick a category you like and add a filter: Require->Programming Language->Java.


Vincent Van Den Berghe

how about the big frameworks, such as Hibernate the repo is here, spring, gwt, etc. The Gwt code is the only one i actually had a lok at and tis really well documented and its easy to ge tgoing


+1  A: 

JGAP - Java genetic algoriths package is a well-written open source project to implement genetic algorithms. They also have a JGAP grid area. It's well-written way you can learn about both Java, GA and grid programming.

Paulo Guedes

I'm a fan of HtmlUnit

+1  A: 

I was reading the Beautiful Code book and it has a chapter on FitNesse which was very interesting and informative.

Also take a look at the Google Collections


muCommander Since it is a desktop manager, the domain it pretty intuitive ( we all know file manager pretty well ) , you can add code and see the results immediately because you already know what to expect.

+2  A: 

While this is not universally true, the JDK itself has some great examples of excellent Java programming. In particular, I would point you to the source for concurrent collections like ConcurrentHashMap or ConcurrentSkipListMap. The source itself has a large set of internal (non-javadoc) comments and handles a lot of tricky issues. Great stuff.

Alex Miller
+2  A: 

I'm using XStream for several projects, and I've been through its source code on a few occasions. It has a clean and organized design that makes it easy to understand and extend.

Because it focuses on the serialization/deserialization of plain old Java objects, it covers a lot of key integrations that any Java programmer would benefit from knowing:

  • XML
  • Reflection
  • Java Persistence API
  • Annotations
  • JSON
David Crow

Railo and OpenBD are two nice open source java projects that I know of. Vincent's suggestion about sourceforge is a good place to look too.


I've heared - but cannot verify it - that Spring is very well written. Since Spring is huuuge, I'm not sure which part exactly but I'd check Spring core. And learning more about Spring will certainly pay off in any case :-)

Jakub Holý

Recently I found a library that helps me alot in my works, it has framework for connectiong to data base a framework for reflect , also it has a class for adding method at runtime

you can read more about it here :
