




In java, Is there a elegant way to Generate Excel spreadsheet from List?

+2  A: 

There are two possible and radically different approaches:

  • Write a CSV file. That's comma-separated, you just write out your fields, separated by commas, into a file with a .csv extension. Excel can read that just fine and it's dramatically simple.

  • Use Apache/Jakarta POI, a library, to write perfectly formatted, Office-compatible Excel files (Excel 95, 2003, ... various standards). This takes a bit more work.

Carl Smotricz
Never thought of CSV approach.Thanks.
Just to note, be careful if the data you're writing to CSV can contain commas. CSV will read every comma in your file as a column delimiter.
Jon Quarfoth
@Jon, commas in the data shouldn't be problem if the string values are properly quoted... 1,2.34,"5,678.9","ABC DEF"
Mark Baker
@Mark: You're correct, but that way begins a trail of sorrow. One can't be sure there are no quotes in the data too, so the quotes need to be escaped... not a difficult problem, but an annoyance. [This document](http://creativyst.com/Doc/Articles/CSV/CSV01.htm) looks like a pretty thorough description of the Excel dialect of CSV, except they don't mention that some regions use semicola instead of commas.
Carl Smotricz
@Carl A trail of sorrow it might appear, and yes, you do need to escape your quotes in a CSV, but that's the standard (insofar as there is a standard) that's respected by most CSV libraries...
Mark Baker
@Mark: Certainly, if it's worth doing it's worth doing correctly. I just feel annoyed at having to write a method of maybe 30 lines to accommodate the quirks of this format. Actually, it's Mr. Burns that has to, not me, so I'm fine with that ;)
Carl Smotricz
@Carl - Couldn't name any off the top of my head, but I'm sure Java has some library that reads/writes CSV files with all the quotes and escapes, sames as most languages have recognised libraries or even built-in functions for the task - opencsv? -= if you need Excel cell formatting, or multiple worksheets, then Apache POI or JExcelAPI are better choices, otherwise CSV is a good solution
Mark Baker
+1  A: 

As a previous answer suggests, CSV is an easy way to do this, but Excel has a habit of inferring data types - for example, if a string looks like a number, it will be formatted as a number, even if you have double-quoted it. If you want more control, you can try generating Excel XML, which in your case may be using a template, and generating a table that looks a little bit like an HTML table. See an example of a simple Excel XML document.

Sualeh Fatehi
XML sounds like a good idea, I hadn't thought of that! +1.
Carl Smotricz