



Hi there,

I'm a little bit stuck in a problem right now: I've got a JBoss Portal which runs on a JBoss AS 4.2.3. There are running some webapps on the machine which provide some portlets to users. Now I need a centralized solution:

Every time an user logs in I want to create a session bean where some user information is hold. I'm using spring in all my webapps - as some extra information.

How can I achieve this? This session bean must be created asap when a login occurs - so I can catch it safely from my spring apps.

Several thoughts:

  • Is there a possibility to recognize a login via a listener?
  • Should I use a filter and check if request.getRemoteUser() isn't null?

maybe smth like <bean id="userInfo" class="com.s.userInfo" scope="session"/> in application-context? 'Session' can be changed with 'conversation', maybe.

Well my main problem is that I'm in a portal enviorment so that logins don't happen in my apps.