




I'm looking for a way to compile visual studio c++ project in java. I know it's a bit strange to do it this way. but I'm doing a evolutionary algorithms. So Java is creating c++ code and compile it in Java not c++. I just need to automate it, so I don't have to copy the c++ code and paste it in .NET and click compile it.

So I'm looking for a way to execute series of command lines and display the result in eclipse console. Can I do that?

First I need to setup Visual Studio environment, so I need to run this batch first C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat and then change directory to the c++ project and compile the project by using "cl.exe" and then "link.exe". They need to be executed in a specific order.

Please, Thanks.

+2  A: 

Create a batch file and run it by using ProcessBuilder.

   import java.util.*;

   public class DoProcessBuilder {
     public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {

       if (args.length <= 0) {
         System.err.println("Need command to run");

       Process process = new ProcessBuilder(args).start();
       InputStream is = process.getInputStream();
       InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is);
       BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
       String line;

       System.out.printf("Output of running %s is:", 

       while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {

Romain Hippeau
+1  A: 

One of the easy way is as follows:

String[] cmd = new String[] { "yourcommand.exe", "argument1", "argument2", ... };
Process p = Runtime.exec(cmd);

You can also find other variation here, (eg by specifying environment and working directory too

Louis Rhys