The concept is called encapsulation.
What it attempts to do is to separate the inner structure of a class from its behaviour.
For example, suppose a class like this
public class Point{
private float x;
private float y;
public float getX(){
return x;
public float getY(){
return y;
public float distanceToZero2(){
return x*x + y*y
public float getAngle(){
//havent considered the x = 0 case.
return atan(y/x);
public boolean isInFirstQuad(){
return x>0 && y>0;
In this case, encapsulation hides the inner structure of the class, and exposes only the operations available to a Point. If you dont like it, you can change its inner structure and mantain its behaviour (for example, changing carthesian coordinates to polar coordinates).
Anyoune who uses this class wont care about it, he /she will be happy that they have a Point class with this functionality.