




I need a book like "Core Java" (both volumes) but written in a more serious style. I'm not a newbie, but not looking for a guru guide. I read Volume 1 a while ago and it was a disappointment. I need something more middle level and not just TWO volumes of pointless newspaper talk. The faults about "Core Java" are countless (my opinion), but the fact is that there is no strict and tight structure - it's a book written to make a lot of pages. Another thing is that I can't sense a good Linux understanding : even the installation is made "the bad way" - no package manager use is suggested !

I don't need "Thinking in Java" and "Effective Java" since they are next on the list and are not about "what", but about "how" .

Thank you.


You may have a look at the book by Khalid Mughal which is targeted specifically for SCJP exams. Overview here. I would also recommend "Effective Java"


This one is a "must Read" in my opinion:

Manuel Selva
It is, but does not address the question. -1
Romain Hippeau
@Romain Hippeau: indeed... (-1)
+1  A: 

A while ago I wanted to buy a "serious" Java book as well. I considered buying Core Java, but I didn't like the fact that it deals with all sort of aspects of not only Java, but also many of the libraries that come with Sun's JDK. This is all but "core" knowledge to me! I wanted an introductory book on Java that goes deep. This is exactly what Thinking in Java is: I can only recommend that book! Although you specifically stated that book is for now out of question, you might want to revisit that opinion. Thinking in Java could be the first and last book on the topic "core Java" you need.

+7  A: 

I share Your disappointment about those titles. They are highly recommended, but contain not so few examples of bad practices. Long and complicated methods, mixing abstraction levels in a single function... This style certainly doesn't strive for code reuse. Readability also suffers. Lots of other complaints...

Maybe they are not focused completely and only at the core, but here are few of the best I read so far:

  • Sun's Certified Java Programmer for Java 6: This book can be a real eye opener even for seasoned Java developers. This I'd recommend the most since it covers a lot basic and intermediate topics written by people with a lot of technical discipline.

  • Effective Java: Written by the author of Java Collection Framework gives deep insight about why and how certain Java API parts work and how to make most effective use of them. Also contains few confessions about controversial parts of Java API.

  • Head First: Design Patterns: Nice introduction to design patterns. While it's certainly unique in style, the book approaches the topic from real-world problems.

  • Practical API design: We, as programmers, always produce code which is used by others. This book focuses on how to make using of your code or library as plausible as possible. If you're not writing only for yourself that really matters.

  • Clean Code: "Even bad code can function. But if code isn’t clean, it can bring a development organization to its knees. Every year, countless hours and significant resources are lost because of poorly written code. But it doesn’t have to be that way"

  • Java Concurrency in Practice: It's certainly not core, but a great one. It tackles concurrent programming. Processor clock rates aren't rising so quickly as before. Some say that the multi-core processors can extend Moore's Law in future years, so it's good to know how to use them. Especially worth noting are articles on IBM tech library written by the same author.

Disclaimer: They aren't strictly Core Java alternatives. While I learned the essentials of Java I faced a certain point I got stuck in. At the other hand books I recommend gave back the wind in my sails. And quite astonishingly, gave me a much better understanding about Core Java than books which advertise that in title.

that's a great list!
Truong Ha
+2  A: 

Head First Java is a good book if you wish to learn the Core Java concepts with some EE. I would recommend this book.

Moreover, The Art and Science of Java is also a good read.

Humming Bird