At our comapny, we have a service layer which takes in a some request XML, accesses various Stored Procecdures (SP's) via JDBC, processes the data and responds with some response XML. Lately people have begun to adopt MockRunner in their JUnit tests to mock the responses from the SP's. The code to setup the mocked responses from the SP's using MockRunner looks awful (this is the first random test class I opened):
MockConnection connection = new MockConnection();
InitialContext context = new InitialContext();
context.rebind(READ_PAYMENT_DATA_SOURCE, getDS());
m_csStatementHandler = connection.getCallableStatementResultSetHandler();
m_csStatementHandler.prepareReturnsResultSet(READ_PAYMENT, true);
Map parameterMap = new HashMap();
parameterMap.put(new Integer(1), null);
parameterMap.put(new Integer(2), null);
parameterMap.put(new Integer(3), null);
parameterMap.put(new Integer(4), null);
m_csStatementHandler.prepareOutParameter(READ_PAYMENT, parameterMap);
//Set up the cursor of applications for return.
MockResultSet resultApps = m_csStatementHandler.createResultSet();
resultApps.addRow(getPaymentSchedule("E", "Monthly", new Short("1"),null,null,null,null,null,null,null));
resultApps.addRow(getPaymentSchedule("A", "Weekly", new Short("1"),null,null,null,null,null,null,null));
resultApps.addRow(getPaymentSchedule("R", "Yearly", new Short("1"),null,null,null,null,null,null,null));
resultApps.addRow(getPaymentSchedule("S", "Weekly", new Short("1"),null,null,null,null,null,null,null));
resultApps.addRow(getPaymentSchedule("W", "Monthly", new Short("1"),null,null,null,null,null,null,null));
MockResultSet[] results = new MockResultSet[1];
results[0] = resultApps;
m_csStatementHandler.prepareResultSet(READ_PAYMENT, resultApps);
The code above is awful for many reasons, but it does clearly show the complexity and overhead of setting up a response from the stored procedures.
To date I have been using hand rolled dependency injection instead to inject the class that actually calls the Stored Procedure. All I have to do is create a mock SP caller class (responsible for the actual execution of the SP) and set my desired response data. I'm very happy with this technique and its much simplier than the above as its data focused rather than worrying about implementation details. But my question is, when would you want to use MockRunner? It seems overkill for unit tests, so am I guessing its more for integration or system testing? And even then, it still strikes me as easier to use a DI framework to swap out the SP caller class then to setup all the code above for every stored procedure call. Please enlighten! Thanks